Change Starts with YOU
The Town of Marlborough Republican Committee advances Republican causes and candidates right here in Marlboro & Milton. We meet once a month to discuss local candidates and issues impacting our Town. We participate in local events, and fundraise for our candidates.
Additionally, as part of the Ulster County Republican Committee, you'll also find us running petitions for County and State candidates prior to each election.
Our meetings take place the third Thursday of every month at 7pm at BRIX Restaurant upstairs.Meetings are open to the general public and all are welcome. We also have a few seats open on our committee. Contact Us if you're interested in joining.
Thank You For Your Support!
Your Current Republican Elected Officials Are:
Scott Corcoran
Town SupervisorScott has been a member of Marlborough Town Council for 12 years. He took over as Supervisor in 2022 and was just reelected for a 2nd Term.
Ed Molinelli
Town CouncilEd has been serving as a Town Councilman for over 15 years. He is active in the community, leading the Town Bocce League. Ed always advocates for reduced spending, and maximum value for the Town.
Sherida Porpiglia Sessa
Town CouncilSherida Porpiglia Sessa was born and raised in Marlboro. She has a Bachelor's Degree from Cornell University & Master's from Marist College. She was elected to Town Council in 2021 and also took over as the Rec Committee Liaison at that time.
Emanuel 'Manny' Cauchi
Town CouncilEmanuel 'Manny Cauchi' is a local business owner in Milton and raised 2 children in Marlboro. He's a 6-year member of the Marlborough Planning Board and is focused on Business Expansion on the Rt. 9 Corridor. He was first elected in 2021 and serves as the liaison to the Conservation Advisory Committee.
Dave Zambito
Town CouncilDave was elected in a Special Election to fill Scott Corcoran's vacated seat in 2022 and then re-elected in 2023. He has been serving the Town in several capacities prior to his election to Town Board including serving on the Zoning Board for 14 years. Dave has been very active in the TOMVAC renovation since his election.
Colleen Corcoran
Town ClerkColleen Corcoran has been serving Marlborough as your friendly, knowledgeable Town Clerk and Tax Collector for over 10 Years. She is the face of the town, greeting everyone who enters Town Buildings.
John Alonge Sr.
Highway Superintendent
John Alonge Sr. is a life long Marlboro resident and took over as Highway Superintendent succeeding Gael Appler Sr. in 2018. His team is well renowned in the County for their impeccable work on Marlborough's Infrastructure.
Gina Hansut
County Legislator, Dist. 10Gina Hansut comes from a family of public servants with her late husband having been an Ulster County Legislator himself, as well as Town of Lloyd Supervisor. Gina is intimately familiar with Legislative duties, and is engrained in the local community. She was first elected in 2021 and began her 2nd term in January.
Thomas Corcoran Jr.
County Legislator, Dist. 11Thomas Corcoran Jr. is a local business owner, Building Inspector, Baseball Coach and, since 2018, County Legislator. Tom already made a tremendous impact on the Community with his competent communication and advocacy for residents during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Dan Jackson
Town JusticeMichael Kraiza
Town JusticeWHAT WE DO
The Committee Gets Involved In Many Local Activities & Issues Including:
CAMPAIGNSGood words. Fewer words. More impact. Whatever message you want to convey on your site, I'll find the best way of saying it.
ISSUESI'll help you craft an editorial strategy and brand voice. I'll also write engaging content that will help your site rank for relevant keywords.
CANDIDATESEvery brand and company is different but not everyone can simply convey that. I'll use storytelling techniques to convey your unique selling point to customers and clients.
All Donations Fund Campaign Materials for Marlboro Republican Candidates.
To Donate, Mail a Check to
Town of Marlborough Republican Committee
c/o Treasurer
17 Greentree Lane
Milton, NY 12547
Checks should be made out to Town of Marlborough Republican Committee.
Please include your name & address for reporting purposes.
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